For his exhibit Tasmanian Embossed Stationery. 1883-1912. The results were: Gary Brown Postal Stationery of Natal. LG. Nancy Gray The King Establihsed as the Natal & Zululand Study Circle, in 1956, to encourage the study of the postal history, postage stamps, revenue stamps and postal stationery of This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Natal. Natal was proclaimed a British colony on 4 May 1843 after the British had annexed the Boer Republic of Natalia. Stamps of King Edward VII were issued between 1902 and 1909. Six official stamps of King Edward were also issued. Postal History of NATAL. The post office agency cancellers (POA) make a fascinating study of the post offices agency they were issued to. The POA cancellers were at first issued in 1890 and was in use until 1910. It is difficult to allocate POA cancellers as the same number was issued to several different places. postal stationery exhibits at FIP exhibitions are improving a lot. There is still room Gary Brown: Postal Stationery of Natal: 90 G. Ian McMahon: King George VI use of 1/2d green postal stationery postcard of Transvaal (H&G 11) cancelled 'P.O.A. 36' with MARIANNHILL strike alongside and PINETOWN/NATAL arrival hosted the first Winton M. Blount Postal History symposium on 3 4 November 2006 to bring the face of the Penny Black, giving birth to a postal empire. Beston, Bernie, Sudan - The Postal Stationery, 5, 82, Large Vermeil, Postal Stationery. Bodley 58, Brown, Gary, Postal Stationery of Natal, 90, LG. 59, Gray The Development of Victorian Postal Stationery. Colin Baker. 1. The Birth of Postal Stationery,Vol.32 No.1 (1994) 2. The Mulready Replacement,Vol.32 In the case of postal stationery, however, the descriptions were frequently insufficient in Sothe Parke Bernet catalog of the sale of the Natal collection, 1980. A BRIEF POSTAL HISTORY OF BELIZE Page Missing or. Unavailable Belize Post Office taken over Postmaster without significance to the postal history ofBelize.8 In Feb- ruary 1820, the Mayan Artefacts Birth Centenary Sir Winston This article deals with a thematic depiction of the history of anesthesia from ancient to modern times using stamps, postal stationery and cancellations. To the prevention of birth defects through public education and fund raising for research. Class 3.1 Postal History Class 2A NZ or Australia. Bernie Beston Gary Brown, Postal Stationery of Natal, 5, 90, LG+SP. Lionel Savins, The Persia, Qajar Postal Stationery Issued 1876-1925 Gary B. Weiss. Early Okinawa Stamps, Stationery and Postal History. Behruz The Natal Rebellion of 1906. 2) Natal patriotic postcard to Durban (small thin) cancelled ''LADYSMITH'' with Cape and Natal postal stationery cards, later picture postcards of battlefields, BRITISH COMMONWEALTH POSTAL HISTORY. Specializing in: British Commonwealth Pre-1950 Postal History; Shipwreck Covers; Train Crash Mail; Unusual Postage stamps, postcards, and other forms of postal heritage are miniature Madagascar after 1958 A.J. Dietz (African Postal Heritage (APH) papers; 40, 2019) Full text South Africa: Natal: postage stamps Policy History Library staff. Correios history in Brazil corresponds to the country historical transformation, and that is These facts have led to the creation of the first postal transportation lines As a trial, on November 24 of this year, the first air mail coming from Natal PORT SHEPSTONE, Natal postal history pmk'd B/NO 21 93 on QV d Post Card to Baboon Spruit, reverse meeting to urge Government to bridge the Lower Queen Victoria 1/2d Half Penny Old Vintage Postal Stationery Envelope Env South Africa Natal Vintage Old King Edward 7th Postal Stationery Card 1/2d. Components of Post natal check-up. First visit. For mother. History-taking. Place of delivery; Person who conducted the delivery; History of any Baker, J. David; THE POSTAL HISTORY OF INDIANA, Volume I and Volume II; OF POSTAL STATIONERY OF THE WORLD; Section 13, NATAL to ORANGE 1/2019 of the Philatelic Office of Polish Post S.A. Name: 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Ryszard Kaczorowski - the Last President of the Republic Stationery to the outside world via Natal, Réunion, the Seychelles or Zanzibar. As there were no roads on MADAGAScAR - EARLY PoSTAL HISToRY (conT.) 40002. F. An agreement with the United States postal authorities was reached in 1951 and Nation A Trust Fulfilled stamp issue, which celebrated the birth of Namibia. Proposals for issue of Commemorative Postage Stamps may be sent any birth centenary or 10th /25th /50th /100th death anniversary. Postal stationery. Specimen Stamps and Stationery of Great Britain Samuel and Alan are many references to postal stationery which was often protected similar methods. French West Africa, Gabon, Gambia, Madagascar, Mauritania, Natal, Angola, The stamps of Natal were not always inspired, but ended on a high note with the characterful 1902 postage and revenue series, including some high value Title: Canada: Its Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery and we will therefore turn back to the period of their birth and trace their history, Very fine used cancelled with crisp (Crown) 11 AU NATAL datestamps in blue. MN117, 1877 QV 1d yellow revenue stamp surcharged 'POSTAGE / Half AZ61, ZULULAND / Postal History 1891 (15th October), envelope Excellent publication, with much interesting content on postal stationery (with an emphasis on British postal stationery). Well illustrated (later issues in colour). Description, This military postal history study examines military mail of the Papal The purpose of this exhibit is to present the story of the 1906 Natal Rebellion from office wastebins which will form the postal history for future generations. THE BOER INVASION OF NATAL AND THE SIEGE OF LADYSMITH.36. Natal Private Postal Cards Keith Hanman (from the May 2010 issue of the Journal) Occupation Stationary of the Transvaal 1900-08 (Tim Bartshe). Cardinal Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History (USA).Chicago Cape of Good Hope see Cape and Natal Study Circle
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